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Top 3 Frauds That Affected Vendor Teams Last Year

In 2021, organizations continued to see challenges in preventing payment fraud. Cybercriminals have evolved with more tactics to divert payments.  We will review the top three fraud risks vendor teams experienced in 2021 and will look at how to mitigate those fraud risks as we begin 2022. From adding internal controls and best practices to the vendor add and change process, to adding an automated solution to continuously validate ownership for both Domestic and International vendor banking details, you will leave this webinar with a strategy to prevent payment fraud.

What You Will Learn:

  • The top 3 2021 fraud trends finance & vendor teams faced.
  • Internal controls and best practices you can put into place today
  • How the nsKnox tool can automate Domestic and International bank validations throughout the funds transfer journey to prevent cyber fraud attempts in real-time.