
Payment security & compliance for banks and corporate clients

Three levels of fraud-proof protection that goes far beyond signatory rights
Payment security illustration

Banks and their corporate clients are at risk

Organizations are under a constant threat of losing millions of dollars to payment fraud and are looking to their bank for solutions.
Banks themselves are at risk for failing to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions.

In today’s world, where fraudsters have become exceedingly adept at leveraging sophisticated technologies, such as AI and deep fake to hack an organization’s communications and business systems so they can execute fraudulent payments, cybercriminals are able to compromise signatory rights, so no bank can afford to rely solely on this measure when authorizing B2B payments.

How PaymentKnox™ for banks can help

PaymentKnox™ for Banks is a secured SaaS platform that applies three layers of robust protection that goes far beyond signatory rights.

It is a payment security service that protects both the corporate client and the bank, by ensuring that every beneficiary paid by the bank is:

Authorized icon

Legitimate and authorized

Validating that the target account in every payment is registered and approved to receive payments by your Corporate Client
Verified Icon

The verified owner of the account

Verifying that the target recipient is the rightful account owner, anywhere in the world
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Is free from sanctions

Ensuring that target account owner doesn’t appear in global sanction lists

Verified by nsKnox

The banks and its corporate clients connect to the PaymentKnox™ platform through a variety of interfaces, including a secured portal, using files or an API for accelerated time to protection

The PaymentKnox™ Network & Platform

PaymentKnox™ Network & Platform

Powerful benefits for banks & their corporate clients

Bank building icon

For Banks:

  • Ensure payment security and compliance to keep both bank and clients from falling victim to fraud.
  • Minimize risk of embezzlement & lawsuits.
  • Generate new revenues from an advanced fraud protection service.
  • Differentiate your offering from new payment services.
  • Increase stickiness with high-value clients.

For banks clients:

  • Prevent payment fraud.
  • Avoid the vulnerabilities of manual processes.
  • Protect incoming and outgoing payments.
  • Increase efficiency with technology-driven account validation and sanction screening.
  • Improve controls and ensure compliance.

Let’s talk to see if our solution meets your needs

It’s powerful and easy, with no effort from IT and no changes to current processes are required.