nsKnox Team Insights

Trust is at the heart of effective buyer and supplier ecosystems. But as supply chains become more complex, electronic payment more prevalent and fraud more sophisticated, how do companies protect and maintain that trust?
In an era where artificial intelligence can mirror reality, are you equipped to tackle the emerging threat of deepfakes in the B2B landscape?
The first step in battling incoming payments fraud “is to realize that it’s not just someabstract threat. It can happen to any company,” Ansys Corporate Controller Bob Bonaccitold PYMNTS’ Karen Webster in a recent panel discussion, with nsKnox’s COO NithaiBarzam.
If you are involved in the Purchase to Pay (P2P) process and want strategies to secure your high value payment transactions globally – this webinar is for you!
Special webinar, hosted by the Hellenic Association of treasurers (HAT), in collaboration with Quetri and nsKnox Technologies.
We will review the top three fraud risks vendor teams experienced in 2021 and will look at how to mitigate those fraud risks as we begin 2022.
Managing a corporate treasury requires a high level of security. With the emergence of new technology there are new threats facing the modern treasurer.