nsKnox Team Insights

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I recently had the pleasure to participate in The Treasury Update Podcast in an episode from the “Stories from the Front” series on escalating fraud amid the global pandemic.
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When it comes to Formula One (F1), the top echelon of motor racing, one of the eternal questions about the secret to winning a Grand Prix has always been: is it the driver or the car?
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The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a warning against cyber-attacks, launched by nation-states and other groups targeting ERP systems.
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Insider fraud losses continue to grow, but malicious insiders cause more than just financial damage. Learn about the risks and how to protect your company.
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According to a recent report published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, losses due to social engineering scams are 200 times higher than those caused by ransomware and 20 times higher than identity theft.
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According to a recent report published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, losses due to social engineering scams are 200 times higher than those caused by ransomware and 20 times higher than identity theft.
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We’d like to think that in times of crisis society comes together for mutual support, spirited by a sense of solidarity. After all, we are all in it together.
Working From Home
With the outbreak of the coronavirus forcing organizations to adopt a work from home (WFH) paradigm, it has become all too clear that there is a great need to learn how to best adapt to and accommodate this abrupt change, especially when it comes to productivity and security.
Large-scale, interconnected supply chains make the modern global economy possible.
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Earlier this year, the Indian subsidiary of Milan-based Tecnimont SpA fell victim to one of India’s largest ever cyber fraud attacks.